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Asphalt Shingles Are Beneficial for Your Home’s Exterior

Deciding which type of roofing material to purchase for your home can be challenging. There are many different types of materials to choose from, like cedar, rubber, slate, copper, tile, wood shakes, metal, and asphalt. Most roofs, however, are constructed using asphalt shingles, and for good reason.

In this post, you’ll learn about asphalt shingles, reasons why they’re the way to go for your home’s exterior, and how to choose the best material for your home.

What Are Asphalt Shingles?

An asphalt shingle is a form of roof or wall shingle that uses asphalt for waterproofing. It’s a very common roof covering used in the U.S. since it’s fairly easy to install and doesn’t cost a whole lot upfront.

Organic mat-based shingles or fiberglass shingles are common types of asphalt shingles selected by homeowners. The shingle’s structure will consist of either a fiberglass-based substrate or mat, or an asphalt-saturated organic substrate constructed from organic fibers like paper or wood.

History of Asphalt Shingles

A few new materials were constructed during the 20th century for low- and steep-sloped roofs. The asphalt shingle was among them and continues to be the leading roofing material for homes. Asphalt shingles evolved into the three-tab version that’s common today after a bit of market experimentation with different:

  • Patterns
  • Shapes
  • Textures

H.M. Reynolds Company out of Grand Rapids, Michigan claimed to have invented the asphalt shingle in the early 20th century. By 1910, asphalt shingles were widely available and quickly replaced wood shingles because of their fire resistance and economy.

Exploring the Benefits of Asphalt Shingles

Shingles are among the various essential components of a sturdy roof. Asphalt shingles can benefit your home’s exterior in numerous ways, including:

1. Lightweight

Since asphalt shingles don’t add much weight to your roof, most homes have them installed already. Slate and other heavy shingles add a substantial amount of weight. Plus, they require extra structural support. Not only will adding structural support increase how much the project will cost, but it will also increase how much time it takes to install.

2. Ease of Installation

Unlike other roofing types, installing asphalt shingles can be done relatively quickly. Certain asphalt roofing projects can be completed in just one day. Since installation is easy, your home won’t be a construction site for very long.

3. Design Variety

Asphalt shingles come in various rich architectural styles. 3-tab shingles are the traditional style and work well with various types of homes. Premium and dimensional shingles are also available in different styles. Some even mimic the appearance of other types of roofing materials like cedar shakes and slate. Because of this design versatility, you’ll get the benefits of these materials without the drawbacks.

4. Energy Efficiency

While all roofs seek to contribute to your home’s energy efficiency quotient, asphalt shingles provide a specific impact when used with an underlayment. Shingles with cooling features help to lower your home’s temperature on warm days by as much as a few degrees. Energy-efficient shingles are particularly beneficial if you reside in a big metropolitan location.

You’ll find specially modified shingles that help protect your home and reduce the impact on your roof from inclement conditions like:

  • Snowstorms
  • Hail storms
  • Severe thunderstorms

5. Low Maintenance

Asphalt shingles require very little to no maintenance during their lifespan because they are quality products that protectively react in just about any type of environment they’re put in. However, if you live near any body of water like a pond, lake, or ocean, you’ll want to add algae-resistant leachable copper asphalt shingles to prevent unwanted buildup.

Many asphalt shingles take time to completely dry out, so when you add these shingles, you’ll be helping your roof dry more quickly. This helps prevent the growth of moss on your roof.

6. Inexpensive

Asphalt shingles are one of the more affordable roofing choices. Even though you’ll pay a fraction of the cost of other roofing material types, asphalt shingles still promise a long lifespan and high durability. They’re more affordable to:

  • Install
  • Maintain
  • Repair

How to Choose Your Asphalt Shingles

When selecting the shingles for your home’s roof, it’s important to consider both advantages and disadvantages. This helps ensure that you make the best decision for your unique property. A few things to consider include:


First impressions are everything, so taking time to consider the color of your roof is recommended. The color of your roof isn’t only about aesthetics, it also has a lot to do with energy efficiency. Did you know darker roofing absorbs more heat? This is something you’ll want to account for if you live in a hotter climate.


When you’re shopping for asphalt shingles, choose materials that come with a warranty of a minimum of 25 years. Speaking with an experienced roofing professional will help you gain clarity on what the warranty covers, and if there are any probationary periods included. Keep in mind; there will be two types of warranties, the manufacturer’s product warranty and the roofer’s warranty.


Shingles come in various basic design styles, including textural dimensional laminated architectural shingles and traditional three-tab strip shingles. Below we’ll break down how you can identify each popular shingle design:

  • Strip shingles: Basic shingles with strips of material that is typically three times the length-to-height in proportion with tabs or cutouts.
  • Three-tab shingles: The most common type of strip shingle that is on many of today’s homes.
  • Laminated dimensional shingles: Premium shingles that have various layers of tabs in order to create dimension and a textured appearance.
  • Luxury shingles: A variation of dimensional shingles that are much thicker and have larger exposures. Luxury shingles can also mimic the appearance of slate or wood shingles.

Call Advantage Construction for Your Roofing Needs Today

Now that you have an understanding of the benefits of asphalt shingles and how your home can benefit, it’s time to make a decision. While you have a variety of options to choose from, it’s recommended to talk with a roofing expert before deciding on material.

Our roofing experts are here to help you identify which type of shingle is best for your home, and guide you in making a selection before installation begins. Contact Advantage Construction today, so you can start moving toward a protected, energy-efficient roofing solution.

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